PhD Workshop
N.B. Starting to the 1st October, the participants of the workshops will receive materials and more information by mail
Participants Students
Young researcher registered for a paper presentation or just for the PhD Forum.
We will accept also the students not accepted for a paper or a poster presentation.
The workshop is directed to give to the participants, PhD students and researchers, the possibility to relate theoretical assumptions and best practices, which in various forms they have already studied, with the concreteproblems of feasibility in a case study.
Teaching support
The work is supported by a set of documents and information provided by local staff and a seminar-brainstorming with local stakeholders.
A report and a ppt presentation to the conference (20 min).
May 20th Registration form will be available starting from May 20th, in the form there is a specific request about the attendance to the PhD workshop, you can check just one of the four workshop of the list.
September 30th All students are registered.
October 1sh Co-ordinators, facilitators, Phd Students and researchers of each group/Workshop organise themselves in order to prepare a structured seminar/brainstorming and the final report (1 Report per each Workshop).
October 7th Students meet the stakeholders. All participants are supposed to know the problems to face to. After a short overall presentation the discussion starts with the questions asked by students and the following answers. It follows a brainstorming in order to draft a scenario of possible change, or simply an advancement about the solutions to be provided.
October 9th Presentation of the Report (20 min).
Workshop list
Workshop 1
Making effective an agricultural park in Turin/Villaretto: present conditions and measures to be provided
Workshop 2
Food governance & policies at the metropolitan scale
Workshop 3
Feeding the city locally: farmers’ markets, periurban agriculture and short supply chains, places of production, networks of action
Workshop 4
Urban gardens, between public policies and informal practices. Production of food, spaces and sociality