Workshop 2
Food governance & policies at the metropolitan scale
In the Italian context, the issue of territorialization and planning of the food system is gaining increasing relevance. In particular, the case of Torino presents interesting insights, as the city is going through a transition phase in which food is not anymore seen exclusively through the lenses of eno-gastronomic tradition, but rather an element to be brought to the centre of the urban agenda, upon which to build integrated, multi-sectoral and multi-scalar policies.
In the light of the above, the workshop “Food governance & policies at the metropolitan scale” challenges the participants with a twofold activity. On the one hand, it allows for a direct interaction with some of the main stakeholders that actually deals with food policies at Torino Metropolitan scale. On the other hand, it aims at critically analyse these policies in the light of a series of suggestions, indications and good practices that will be brought forward by the participants, to the benefit of the involved policy-makers as well as of the overall discussion.
Local experts and stakeholders
Participants representative of Camera di Commercio di Torino, Torino Strategica, Comune di Torino, Città Metropolitana di Torino (local officers and policy makers).
Facilitators / Co-ordinators
- Giancarlo Cotella, Polytechnic of Turin
- Alessia Toldo, University of Turin